Investing in Memories

This is the view from the Puntan dos Amantes or  Two Lovers Point in Guam. Although this was our third visit to the famous spot, the view never ever gets old.  We always time our visit to this spot so that we can catch the sun set over a tranquil Philippine sea. The children and…

Five things you need to give up to find joy

This week, let’s talk about happiness. I prefer to call it joy, which I believe to be more lasting and more profound. Happiness, it has been said countless times, is always a choice.  Easier said than done, but every morning, we have that option—“Will I choose joy or will I wallow in whatever it is…

A Rainbow to Close October

 This afternoon in Guam, my classmate Melong, who is a nun, was telling me about a program she was helping run for bereaved children called Rainbows for God's Children. I thought it was a beautiful name for the program and told her about a smilar project I was running in Miriam. She said maybe do…