Taming the Ego

I have tamed my ego. If I tell you that I love you and you don’t accept my love, it’s your loss not mine. I will walk away and wish you well. If I apologize and you don’t accept it, I’m free, you’re not. I will leave it at that and pray that someday you…

In the Shadow of His Wings

This week was a challenge to my heart and my peace. When someone you love is verbally assaulted by someone related to you, it’s beyond heartbreaking. It’s been a while since I’ve grieved over something like this. For 48 hours my peace was shattered, my throat hurt like hell because I could not hit back.…

Finding God in Hijo

It's been said that you always hear yourself better in quiet places. Away from the noise and chatter of the city, they say that if you intentionally soak yourself in nature, God seems to speak to you more clearly.  I flew to Davao briefly last week, to find myself some peace and quiet because I…