Migi At 28

Migi at four What does 28 look like?Tomorrow you turn 28 years old. For some reason, this year, I’m fixated with the thought of how you would have looked like at 28. You were four in this photograph. Clanging those tiny cymbals at your closing program, wearing your favorite polo shirt from Big and Small.…

Torn Between Two Loves

June and Elle Love comes in many permutations. ❤️ This is part three of a six part series on love. I asked a few good friends for some love stories that took place in the context of the pandemic. Today we read about a daughter’s love for a mother whose love for her daughter was…

Mama’s Garden

Love comes in many permutations. ❤️ This is part two of a six part series of essays on love written by some good friends of mine.Grief and love are so closely entwined. Today we read about a son’s love for his mother. My good friend, Jun lost his mom during the pandemic. His is a…