Waiting for Christmas in Wuthering Heights

Dumaguete — The holidays can be the best of times, but it can be the worst of times as well. The holiday season is synonymous with family, revelry, reunions and fun. And it can be fun for the most part. A time when you reunite and reconnect with loved ones and friends whom you hardly…

Immanuel, God is with Me

It was a cool evening and like the past two evenings, I was again looking forward to hearing what God had to say to me at mass. It had been a happy day which began with a Miss Universe win. I sat quietly, reading the missalette while waiting for the mass to begin. The words…

Preparing the Heart for Christmas

I suppose you can’t ever take the Catholic out of the girl. I know. God is everywhere, and really, in everyone. Sometimes though it’s hard to see that when the days are challenging or someone is being obnoxious or unkind towards you. I have always found a certain comfort in sitting in a quiet church,…