An Open Letter to General Bato 

Dear General Bato,  What is happening to our country? Last Monday evening, 24 year old Em-J Pavia who was a model student, son, friend, and teacher was mercilessly gunned down a mere five minutes away from his home. Yesterday, it was 27 year old Lauren Rosales, soft-spoken, caring, loved by everyone she worked with.  She…

A Beautiful Life

  Midlife  At some other point in my life, waking up to a day that's gray would make me feel blue. Today, I'm just grateful that those days are over. Maybe they'll pop up occasionally, which is expected. But in general, I've learned to take the beauty of each day, and each moment as it comes.…

Encounter in the Skies 

I had not flown out of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in over a decade, but on this trip home with the kids, I did.  The moment we arrived at LAX, I began to regret it, and made a mental note not to, as much as I can, fly out of there again next…